11. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Müfredatı ve Konuları 2023-2024 MEB

11. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Müfredatı

1. Ünite Future Jobs – Geleceğin Meslekleri
Making plans and predictions
Making an appointment
Talking on the phone

2. Ünite Hobbies and Skills – Hobiler ve Yetenekler
Expressing likes, dislikes and interests
Expressing preferences
Talking about present and past abilities

3. Ünite Hard Times – Zor Zamanlar
# Describing events happening at the same time in the past
# Explaining people’s habits in the past

4. Ünite What A Life – Nasıl Bir Hayat
# Describing places, people, and events in the past
# Ordering events
# Talking about personal experiences in the past

5. Ünite Back To The Past – Geçmişe Dönüş
# Expressing wishes and regrets for past events
# Talking about unreal past events

6. Ünite Open Your Heart – Kalbini Aç
Expressing degrees of certainty in the past
Expressing the criticism for the events in the past

7. Ünite Facts From Turkey – Türkiye Hakkında Gerçekler
Talking about landmarks and monuments
Describing cities and historic sites
Asking for and giving more detailed information

8. Ünite Sports – Sporlar
Reporting news
Making interview
Talking about sports

9. Ünite My Friends – Arkadaşlarım
Describing events, places and people
Asking for and giving clarification

10. Ünite Habits : Values and Norms – Değerler ve Normlar
Expressing opinions
Exchanging ideas
Making comments