3. Sınıf İngilizce Müfredatı ve Konuları 2024-2025
1. Ünite Greeting – Selamlama
# Greeting and saluting (Hi, Hello, Good evening, Good night,…)
# Introducing oneself (My name is/This is …, I am … )
# Naming numbers (Numbers from 1 to 20)
2. Ünite My Family – Ailem
# Asking about and introducing family members (Who is …?)
3. Ünite People I Love – Sevdiğim İnsanlar
# Describing characters/people (Are you young?)
# Expressing ability and inability (Can s/he …?)
4. Ünite Feelings – Duygular
# Expressing feelings (I am happy, I feel good)
# Making simple suggestions (Let’s …)
5. Ünite Toys and Games – Oyuncaklar ve Oyunlar
# Expressing Quantity (How many …. are there?
# Naming colors (My ball is green. It’s a yellow kite.)
# Talking about possessions (Have you got …? Yes, I have)
6. Ünite My House – Evim
# Describing sizes and shapes (Is it big? Yes, it is. No it is small.)
# Talking about locations of things (Where is ….?)
# Talking about possessions (Has s/he has. No, s/he has not)
7. Ünite In My City – Şehrimde
# Apologizing (Sorry, So sorry, Sorry about that)
# Talking about locatoins of things and people (Where are you …? Where is the …?)
8. Ünite Transportation – Ulaşım
# Talking about locations of things (Where is the boat?)
# Asking and giving information about transportation (How can i go/get to …?)
9. Ünite Weather – Hava
# Describing the weather (How is the weather? It’s rainy/snowy)
10. Ünite Nature – Doğa
# Expressing likes and dislikes (I like/love, but I dislike/hate)
# Making simple inquiries (Are there four dolphins? Yes there are four dolphins, No. There is one dolphin.)
# Talking about nature and animals (This/That/It is a frog. It’s a big and green.)