9. Sınıf İngilizce Müfredatı ve Konuları 2024-2025
1. Ünite Studying Abroad – Yurtdışında Okumak
# Meeting new people and introducing oneself and family
# Talking about possessions
# Asking for and giving directions
2. Ünite My Environment – Çevrem
# Talking about locations of things
# Asking about and describing neighborhood
# Making comparisons
3. Ünite Movies – Filmler
# Talking about likes/ dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
# Expressing opinions
# Making preferences
# Telling and asking about the time and the date
# Inviting and refusing/accepting an invitation
4. Ünite Human In Nature – Doğada İnsan
# Describing daily routines
# Talking about abilities
# Talking about frequencies of activities
5. Ünite Inspirational People – İlham Veren İnsanlar
# Asking about and describing people’s appearances and characters
# Comparing characteristics and appearances.
# Expressing opinions (Agreeing, disagreeing, etc…)
# Talking about current activities
6. Ünite Bridging Cultures – Kültürleri Köprülemek
# Asking about and describing cities
# Identifying cultural differences
# Talking about travel and tourism
# Ordering food
7. Ünite World Heritage – Dünya Kültür Varlıkları
# Talking about past events
# Making inquiries about the ancient civilizations
# Asking and answering questions in an interview
8. Ünite Emergency and Health Problems- Acil Durum ve Sağlık Problemleri
# Giving and asking for advice
# Giving and understanding simple instructions in case of emergency
# Seeing the doctor
# Expressing obligations and prohibitions
9. Ünite Invitations and Celebrations – Davetler ve Kutlamalar
# Asking for and giving suggestions
# Doing shopping
# Making requests
# Talking about future plans
# Making and answering phone calls
10. Ünite Television and Social Media – Televizyon ve Sosyal Medya
# Making predictions about the future
# Asking for and giving opinion (agreement, disagreement, etc…)
# Interrupting someone in a conversation
# Gaining time in a conversation
Bir şey soracağım 🙂 Bu müfredat neye göre belirlendi MEB’in hazırladığı müfredat mı ? Kaynağı nereden?