6. Sınıf İngilizce Müfredatı ve Konuları 2024-2025
1. Ünite Life
# Describing what people do regularly (Making simple inquiries)
# Telling the time and dates
2. Ünite Yummy Breakfast – Lezzetli Kahvaltı
# Accepting and refusing (Can I have some cheese? Do you want some tea? Sure. No, it’s all gone.)
# Describing what people do regularly (I eat honey and butter in the mornings.)
# Expressing likes and dislikes (Yummy! I love/like muffins!, I don‘t like junk food. It‘s my favorite!)
# Making simple inquiries
3. Ünite Downtown – Şehir Merkezi
# Describing places (Making comparisons) (Downtown is busier on Mondays.)
# Describing what people are doing now (What is s/he doing now/at the moment?)
# Making comparisons
# Making simple inquiries
4. Ünite Weather and Emotions – Hava ve Duygular
# Describing places (What‘s the weather like? — It‘s foggy.)
# Describing the weather
# Expressing feelings (— I don‘t get it. Can you repeat
that, please?)
# Making simple inquiries (— I don‘t get it. Can you repeat
that, please?)
5. Ünite At the Fair – Fuarda
# Describing places (There are many fun things at the fair.)
# Expressing feelings (I think they are frightening.)
# Expressing likes and dislikes (I agree. like/hate)
# Making comparisions
# Stating personal opinions (What do you think about fairs? I thinks … I disagree …)
6. Ünite Occupations – Meslekler
# Describing what people do regularly
# Expressing ability and inability
# Making simple inquiries
# Naming the days
# Telling the time, days and dates (—S/he was in Istanbul in May.)
7. Ünite Holidays – Tatil
# Making simple inquiries
# Stating personal opinions
# Talking about past events
8. Ünite Bookworms – Kitap Kurtları
# Talking about locations of things and
# Talking about past events
9. Ünite Saving the Planet – Gezegeni Kurtarmak
# Describing what people are doing now
# Giving and responding to simple suggestions (What should we do to save our world? — We should save energy.)
# Making simple inquiries
# Making simple suggestions
# Telling someone what to do
10. Ünite Democracy – Demokrasi
# Giving and responding to simple instructions
talk about your plans/opinions.)
# Making simple inquiries (Are you a candidate? Who is your candidate?)
# Talking about past events (— We had an election in our
school. — We elected our classroom president.)
# Talking about what people do regularly