8. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 1. Ünite Cevapları

Bu bölümde öğrenciler anlayamadıkları bölümleri daha iyi kavrayabilmek için kılavuz niteliğinde hazırlanmıştır. Konuyu daha iyi kavrayabilmek için buradan öğrendiklerinizle kendinizde çözmeye farklı örnekler yapmaya çalışınız. Öğrenci cevaplarını birebir kopyalamayınız. Buradaki 8. sınıf ingilizce friendship ders kitabı cevapları ve çözümleri sizin için derslerinize büyük katkı sağlayacak eksiklerinizi giderebileceksiniz.

# 1. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (a-g). Use your dictionaries.

1) a buddy/mate – c
2) count on – b
3) get on well – d
4) laid-back – g 
5) a secret – a
6) a slumber party/pyjama party/sleepover – e
7) back up – f

# 2. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

# Janet : What are you doing this weekend?
# Molly : Oh, nothing much.
# Janet : Well, I’m planning a slumber party for the Saturday night, but it’s a secret for now. Can you back me up?
# Molly : Sure. I promise I won’t tell it to anybody. How can I help you?
# Janet : Thanks. I know that I can count on you.

# 3. Who’s your best friend? What makes him/her special? Share your ideas with your classmates.

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı – Burada en iyi arkadaşınızın kim olduğunu soruyor. Onu özel yapan nedir? Fikirlerinizi sınıf arkadaşlarınızla paylaşmanızı istiyor.

# 4. Read the offers/invitations and the responses. Then complete the boxes.


# 5. Complete the phrases with the words in the boxes.

# Making an invitation
# Would you like to come?
# Fancy joining us?
Why don’t you come along?

# Accepting an invitation
# I’d love to, thanks.
# Yes. Sounds good.
# Thanks. I’ll definitely be there.
# Cool! See you there

# Refusing an invitation
# I’d love to, but I can’t.
# I’m sorry, I can’t.
# Sorry, but I can’t make it.
# Another time, maybe.


# 6. Put the lines in the correct order to make a conversation. Then listen and check.
# 5 – Timothy : I’d love to, but I can’t. …
# 1 – Timothy : What are you doing on Saturday? …
# 7 – Timothy : I’m helping my dad with the gardening. …
# 3 – Timothy : That sounds fun. …
# 6 – George : Really? Why not? …
# 2 – George : We’re having a barbecue at my house. …
# 8 – George : Oh, dear! Another time, maybe. …
# 4 – George : Would you like to join us?


# Invitations

# 1. Read the emails. Write A (making an invitation), B (accepting an invitation) or C (refusing an invitation) in the boxes. Listen and check your answers.

# Hi, Mustafa!

Thanks for inviting me to your BBQ party on 28th September, but I can’t make it. Sorry! It’s too bad because I love barbecue very much. My cousins are coming that day. Anyway, I hope you’ll have a great party.


Hi, Kübra!

Thanks very much for inviting me to your pyjama party on Saturday. It sounds awesome. I’ll be there for sure.


Dear Julie,

It’s my birthday next Friday, and I’m having some mates round for a sleepover. We’re going to get a lot of pizzas and watch DVDs. I hope you can come.



Dave and I are organising a volleyball tournament next Saturday afternoon. It starts at two o’clock. It’s at ABC Sports Centre. Can you bring your trainers? I hope to see you there.



# 2. Underline the expressions in each email used to make, accept and refuse invitations.


# 3. Read again. Answer the questions.

1) When is John’s party? – It’s on 28th September
2) What is John’s opinion of BBQ parties? – He loves barbecues.
3) What is John going to do on the day of Mustafa’s party? – He is going to be with his cousins
4) How is Hannah going to celebrate her birthday? – She’s going to have a sleepover party
5) What does Liam invite Luke to do? – He invites Luke to play volleyball.

# 4. Match the expressions in the emails with the definitions.

1) make it  – c
2) awesome  – d
3) get  – a 
4) for sure  – b

# 5. Look at the title. What is it about? Share your ideas.

# 5. Başlığa bakın. Neyle ilgili? Fikirlerinizi paylaşın.

# 6. Read the first letter. What’s Jenny’s problem? Choose the correct option.

b) Jenny’s jealous of Mel’s new friend.

# 7. Read the letters and underline the correct alternatives.

1) Jenny has got a lot of friend
2) Sarah is Mel’s relative
3) Jenny doesn’t like tennis
4) Holly thinks Jenny is selfish
5) Holly tells Jenny to find a new hobby

# 8. Read the letters and underline the correct alternatives.

Öğrencinin kendi cevabı


# Would you like?

# 1. Read the sentences below. Which sentences can you use to: invite someone, accept an invitation, refuse an invitation, apologise?

Would you like to join us? invite someone

It sounds awesome. accept an invitation

How about a slumber party? invite someone

Oh, thanks. I don’t get on well with … . refuse an invitation

Yeah, sounds good. accept an invitation

Cool! I’d love to. accept an invitation

Why don’t you come along? invite someone

Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. apologising

I’d love to, but I have to be at home by 12. refuse an invitation

# 2. Listen to six conversations and match each conversation with an activity in the photos


# 3. Listen again. Do the speakers accept or refuse? Write A (accept) or R (refuse).

1) R
2) A
3) A
4) R
5) R,A
6) R


# 1. Two friends are talking. Make full sentences using the clues given and act out the dialogue.

1. Janet : Shall we go for a walk this Saturday?
2. Molly : Sorry, I can’t. My friends are coming. Fancy joining us?
3. Janet : Yeah. Why not? Shall I bring anything?
4. Molly : Yes. Bring some CDs to listen, please
5. Janet : OK. I’ll bring them.
6. Molly : Thanks. See you, then.

# 2. a) Work in pairs. Prepare two short dialogues, following the instructions in the role cards.

Öğrencinin kendi cevabı


1. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

1) Pete’s going to get some pizzas and crisps.
2) Can you make it to my party? I really missed you.
3) A: Would you like to come over tomorrow?

B: Cool! That sounds great.
4) Thanks for the invitation to your party. It’s going to be awesome .
5) My buddies are here. Why don’t you come along?

2. Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Lisa,

I 1) am (be) so excited. I 2) am celebrating (celebrate) my fifteenth birthday this Saturday and I 3) want (want) to invite you to my party. I 4) hope (hope) you can come. All my classmates 5) are coming (come), too. We 6) want (want) to have the party in the garden, so my parents are busy now. The party 7) starts (start) at 7 in the evening. Why 8 ) don’t you spend (not/you spend) the night with us? We can share my room. Please come.



3. Complete the dialogue with the appopriate words.

1. Tim : Jake and I are watching a DVD at my house this evening. 1) Fancy joining us?
2. Mike : Cool! I’d 2) love to. 3) Shall I eat before I come?
3. Tim : You 4) don’t need to. Mum’s going to make pizzas.
4. Mike : Great. 5) What time shall I come?
5. Tim : At about seven
6. Mike : Sounds 6) good/great/awesome . See you then