8. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 4. Ünite Cevapları

Bu bölümde öğrenciler anlayamadıkları bölümleri daha iyi kavrayabilmek için kılavuz niteliğinde hazırlanmıştır. Konuyu daha iyi kavrayabilmek için buradan öğrendiklerinizle kendinizde çözmeye farklı örnekler yapmaya çalışınız. Öğrenci cevaplarını birebir kopyalamayınız. Buradaki 8. sınıf ingilizce communication ders kitabı cevapları ve çözümleri sizin için derslerinize büyük katkı sağlayacak eksiklerinizi giderebileceksiniz.


Words Related to Telephone

# 1. Listen and repeat

 Kelimeleri dinleyin ve tekrarlayın.

# 2. Match the words with the definitions . Then listen and check.

1) to make a phone connection – i
2) to push the buttons on a telephone  – h
3) in use – a
4) to answer a telephone call – g
5) to telephone or write to somebody – f
6) to put the phone down         – c
7) a short note – d
8) present to talk to someone – e
9) to wait – b
10) to send a written message by means of a cellular telephone  – j

# 3. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and say what they are doing

 Resimlere bakın ve ne yaptıklarını yazın.

# 4. Complete the phone conversations using the words in the box. Then listen and check

a) Hello?
b) Hello, is Tina there?
a) I’m not sure. Hold on, I’ll check. Tina! Tina! No, she’s not here. Do you want to leave a message?
b) Well, it’s strange. I rang her earlier on her mobile, and she just hung up I tried again, but she didn’t pick up. She’s not usually rude like that.
a) I think she said something about taking her mobile back to the shop
b) Oh, maybe it’s broken.
a) Yeah. Why don’t you call back in an hour or text her later?
b) OK, thanks.
a) Can you show me how to use the pay phone?
b) Sure. Have you got a phone card?
a) Yes, here it is
b) OK, it’s very easy. Oops, this phone is out of order. Let’s try the other one. OK, just put the card in the slot and dial the number
a) That’s it? Thanks

Secretary : Austex Company. May I help you?
Mr Brown : Hello! This is Harry Brown. Could you put me through to Mr Ronald, please?
Secretary : Let me try to connect you. Hold on (the phone rings three times). I’m sorry. He is not available now. May I take a message?
Mr Brown : Can you please tell him that Jim called?
Secretary : Of course, sir. Goodbye


# 1. Look at the picture. How do you think a mobile phone network works? Listen and read the text to find out.

 A mobile phone network works using radio waves to transfer signals between the mobile phone and the cellular network. The mobile phone communicates with base stations.

# 2. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1) A mobile phone uses radio waves to communicate. – T
2) Mobile phones use three frequencies. – F
3) You can see all base stations clearly. – F
4) There is a base station in every cell. – T
5) Controllers can usually take all calls. – F

# 3. Match the words/phrases in bold in the text with their meanings.

1) to manage to contact  – get through
2) to hide or cover something, so you can’t see it  – disguise
3) to send (a signal)  – transmit
4) a radio signal     – frequency
5) a system that joins thingsy   – network
6) to communicate    – keep in touch
7) a special antenna on top of a building or a tower    – base station
8) high-technology – sophisticated

# 4. Complete the text with these words.

 Mobile Phone Etiquette

 Mobile phone etiquette is a hot topic. Today’s teenagers are increasingly using 1) sophisticated technology, like mobile phones, to keep in 2) touch with their friends and families. But does your need to 3) communicate upset other people? Here are a few tips on how to be polite. It is not respectful to make calls and to send or receive 4) messages in public places, like the cinema or theatre. So, switch off your mobile phone! When you are in a public place and you need to 5) get through to someone, make sure that your conversation is not disturbing other people around you. What is more, all mobile phone 6) users should limit the number of times their phone rings. Most of all, don’t shout into your mobile in public places, your mobile is not a megaphone!

# 5. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1) Most teenagers use mobile phones to communicate with their friends. – T
2) Using a mobile phone in the cinema is rude. – T
3) You should never make calls in public places, like the cinema or theatre. – T
4) It doesn’t matter how many times your mobile rings. – F
5) When you use a mobile, you need to speak loudly. – F


# 1. Practise saying these telephone numbers. Then listen and check.

 Telefon numaralarını dinleyin ve tekrar edin.

# 2. Listen to three phone conversations and complete these expressions.

# This is John.
# May I speak to Ann Baker?
# Hold on. I’ll connect you.
# Is that Pamela?
# She’s out at the moment.
# Can I take a message?
# Can you say that Sarah phoned?
# I’ll try again later.

# 3. Listen again and complete the table.


# 4. Work in pairs. Make telephone conversations for these situations.

 Öğrencinin kendi cevabı.


# 1. Read the emails. Match them and write the names.

 Hi, Rick! I can’t come to the match today. Sorry! I’ll call you, later. Sam

 Dear Sandra, Congratulations! I’m really happy to hear that. I’ll give you a present, then. Mary

 Hello Mary, I have got some good news. I’ve passed all my exams. Sandra

 Hello Sam, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you OK? I’m waiting for your telephone. Rick

# 2. Write a short email message. Choose one of the topics below. Express your future plan and concern, as in the example.

 Öğrencinin kendi cevabı.


# 1. Read the messages below.

I am waiting for you to pay.
Where are you, Dad? Please call back as soon as possible. It can’t wait. Change of plan for tonight.


# 1. Complete the conversations with a line in the box.

1) This is Jo
2) Great! See you on Sunday at ten, then. Bye!
3) No, it isn’t. I’ll just get her.
4) There’s a party at my house on Saturday. Can you come?
5) Oh, never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye!
6) Can I speak to the manager, please?
7) Can I take a message?
8) I’ll call back later.

# 2. Match the pictures with the sentences. When did they say these sentences? Write B (before the moment of the action) or M (at the moment of the action).

C- 1) They are going to play football. – B
F- 2) I’ll pick it up for you. – M
B- 3) She’s going to travel around the world. – B
A- 4) It’s OK. I’ll answer it. – M
D- 5) Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some. – M
E- 6) We’re going to have a meal. – B