6. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 8. Ünite Cevapları

Bu bölümde öğrenciler anlayamadıkları bölümleri daha iyi kavrayabilmek için kılavuz niteliğinde hazırlanmıştır. Konuyu daha iyi kavrayabilmek için buradan öğrendiklerinizle kendinizde çözmeye farklı örnekler yapmaya çalışınız. Öğrenci cevaplarını birebir kopyalamayınız. Buradaki 6. sınıf ingilizce detectives at work ders kitabı cevapları ve çözümleri sizin için derslerinize büyük katkı sağlayacak eksiklerinizi giderebileceksiniz.

# Warm up (Isınma).
Look at the pictures and answer: (Resimleri inceleyin ve cevaplayın.) “Where are they?” (Neredeler*)

The computer is on the table.
The rabbit is in the hat.
The ball is under the table
The guitar is next to the bed.
The man is in front of the bank.
The cat is in front of the aquarium.


# 1. Match the numbers with the words. Then say the ages of your family members. (Kelimelerle numaraları karşılaştırın. Sonra aile üyelerinizin yaşlarını söyleyin.)

a) forty – two – C
b) fifty – four – D
c) eighteen – A
d) seventy – three – E
e) ninety – seven – F
f) twenty – five – B

# 2. Answer the questions. (Soruları cevaplayın.)

# Öğrenci soruları kendine göre yada sınıfa göre cevaplayacak. Örnek cevaplar.

1) How many students are there in your class? – There are 24 students in my class.
2) What is your teacher doing now? – My teacher is asking to me question.
3) Where are your English books? – My english books are under the table.

# 3. Listen to the dialogues and number the pictures. (Diyalogları dinleyin ve resimleri numaralandırın.)


# 4. Listen to the dialogues again and complete the missing information. Then answer the questions. (Diyalogları tekrar dinleyin ve eksik bilgiyi tamamlayın. Sonra soruları cevaplayın.)

1) The glasses are on the coffe-table.
2) Tina’s mother is feeding the cats
3) John is drawing out cash from a cash machine
4) John wants to buy a computer and a mobile phone. He needs 3500 dollars

1) How much does John need for a computer? $ 2.300 or $ 3.200? – He needs $ 2300.
2) How much does John need for a mobile phone? $ 2.200 or $ 1.200? – He needs $ 1200.

# 5. Match the numbers with the words. Then work with a friend, show and say the numbers. (Kelimelerle numaraları karşılaştırın. Sonra bir arkadaşınla çalış, numaraları göster ve söyle.)


# 6. Look at the example. Make similar dialogues. (Örneği inceleyin. Benzer diyaloglar yapın.)

I can’t find my science book. Can you help me, please?
Look, It’s under english book.

# 7. Answer these questions. (Soruları cevaplayın.)

Do you like watching films on TV? – Yes, I like it.
What kind of films do you like? – I like adventure films.

# 8. Listen and choose the answer. (Dinleyin ve cevapları seçin.)

What is the film about?
It’s about  a robbery in a bank.

# 9. Listen again and put the pictures into the correct order.. (Tekrar dinleyin ve resimleri doğru sırada yerleştirin.)


# 10. Listen again and choose the answers. (Tekrar dinleyin ve cevapları seçin.)

1) What does the robber have?
b. a gun
2) How much money is the robber stealing?
b. five thousand dollars
3) Where is the security guard?
a. in front of the bank
4) What is the security guard doing?
b. He is chasing the robber
5) What is the security guard doing?
a. a magnifier

# 11. Guess the meanings of the words and number the pictures. (Kelimelerin anlamlarını tahmin edin ve resimlere numaralandırın.)

1) A robber is a person who ________ .
b. steals money
2) “Chase” means ________ .
a. to run after someone to catch
3) “Fingerprints” show ________ .
a. the lines on the finger
4) “A security guard” is a person who ________ .
a. protects a building
5) “A magnifier” makes ________ .
b. objects appear bigger

# 12. Work in groups. Play a miming game. (Grup olarak çalışın. Sessiz tiyatro oynayın.) 

What is she doing? (Ne yapıyor?)
She is looking at something through the binoculars. (Dürbünle birşeylere bakıyor.)

# 13. Look at the pictures of Mr. Parker’s house and tell the story. Choose the correct sentences from the list. (Bay Parker’ın evinin resimlerine bakın ve hikaye anlatın. Listeden doğru cümleleri seçin.) 

Mr. Parker is sleeping in his bedroom.
A burglar is opening the door.
A burglar is breaking into the house.
The burglar is stealing a diamond necklace.
The burglar is stealing money.
The dog is barking.
Mr. Parker is chasing the burglar.
Mr. Parker is calling the police.
The policeman is taking the burglar’s fingerprints.
The policeman is taking some photos.

# 14. Read the text and dialogues. Complete the missing information in dialogue 2. Then act the dialogues out. (Yazıyı ve diyalogları okuyun. Diyalog 2’deki eksik bilgileri tamamlayın. Sonra diyalogları canlandırın. 

Dialogue 2
Detective : Were you at home yesterday evening?
Sam : No, I wasn’t. I was at the cinema.
A horror film was on. I watched it.
Detective : Were you alone ?
Sam : No, I wasn’t. I was with my friend.
Detective : Did you come back home early ?
Sam : No. I came back home late. I went to a restaurant.
Detective : Can you give me the restaurant’s address?
Sam : Yes, of course.
Detective : Thanks for your help.

# 15. Read the dialogues again and write True (T) or False (F). (Diyalogları tekrar okuyun ve Doğru (T) yada Yanlış (F) işaretleyin.
1. Jack was at home. T
2. Sam was at the theatre. F
3. Sam watched a film on TV. F
4. Jack cleaned his house. T
5. Sam was alone. F
6. Jack was with his friend. T

# 16. Answer this question: “Who is telling a lie, Jack or Sam?” Tell your classmates and give your reason. (Soruya cevap verin: “Kim yalan söylüyor, Jack ya da Sam?” Sınıf arkadaşlarına anlat ve sebebini söyle.)

# Jack is telling a lie because he wasn’t alone, his friend helped him to clean.

# 17. Work with your partner. Choose a role card and make a role play. (Partnerinizle beraber çalışın. Rol kartı seçin ve rol oyunu seçin.)

Roler Card A
Ask your friend where he/she is now and what he/she is doing. (Arkadaşına nerede ve ne yaptığını sor.)
Ask your friend where he/she was yesterday. (Arkadaşına dün nerede olduğunu sor.)

Role Card B
Answer your friend’s questions and change roles. (Arkadaşının sorularını cevapla ve rolleri değiş.)

Become language detectives. Take photos of English words you see around you and prepare a poster.
(Dil dedektifi ol. Çevrende gördüğün ingilizce kelimelerin resmini çek ve bir poster hazırla.)