7. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 8. Ünite Cevapları

Bu bölümde öğrenciler anlayamadıkları bölümleri daha iyi kavrayabilmek için kılavuz niteliğinde hazırlanmıştır. Konuyu daha iyi kavrayabilmek için buradan öğrendiklerinizle kendinizde çözmeye farklı örnekler yapmaya çalışınız. Öğrenci cevaplarını birebir kopyalamayınız. Buradaki 7. sınıf ingilizce public buildings ders kitabı cevapları ve çözümleri sizin için derslerinize büyük katkı sağlayacak eksiklerinizi giderebileceksiniz.

# 1. Look at the pictures and label them. (Resimlere bakın ve etiketleyin.)

a) bakery 
b) chemist’s
c) music store 
d) florist’s 
e) bookshop 
f) grocery store
g) coffee shop
h) newsagent 
i) 7municipality
j) police station

# 2. Listen and tick (√) the words you hear.(Dinleyin ve duyduğunuz kelimeleri işaretleyin)

Cevaplar : bookshop / park / newsagent / municipality / grocery store

# 3. Listen to the dialogues. Find the right response to speaker A’s statement and match them. (Diyalogları dinleyin. konuşmacı A’nın ifadesine doğru cevabı bulun ve onları karşılaştırın.)
Speaker A: 1. Do you have any sports magazines? a. Speaker B: No. You can find some from the newsagent at the corner.
Speaker A: 2. I will go to the bookshop to buy a dictionary. e. Speaker B: You should buy it from the new bookshop at the corner. It is cheaper.
Speaker A: 3. We need new roads in our neighbourhood. b. Speaker B: You should see the officers at the municipality or the governorship for the needs of your neighbourhood.
Speaker A: 4. I will buy some groceries for the party. d. Speaker B: You should go to the grocery store at the corner. You can find everything there.
Speaker A: 5. You should play in the new park around the corner, Jack. Don’t go far away. c. Speaker B: Don’t worry mom. I will be there with my friends.

# 4. Work in pairs. Where can you buy these things? Student A will say his/her needs, student B will make suggestions. (Çift olarak çalışın. Bunları nereden alabilirsiniz? Öğrenci A ihtiyaçlarını söyleyecek, öğrenci B önerilerini söyleyecek.)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 

I will buy some medicine – You should go to the pharmacy.
I will buy a newspaper – You should go to the grocery store.
I will buy some Cd’s – You should go to the music store.
I will buy some biscuits – You should go to the grocery store.
I will buy some flowers – You should go to the florist’s.
I will buy coffee – You should go to the coffee shop.
I will buy some books – You should go to the book store.
I will buy some cookies – You should go to the cake shop.

# 5. Look at the pictures. Which one/ones can you see in your city or town?(Resimlere bakın. Hangisi yada hangilerini şehrinde yada kasabanda görebilirsin?)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 
 I can see shopping mall in my country. 
 I can’t see art gallery in my town.
 I can see park in my town.

# 6. James is new in the town. Mary tells him where he should go for his needs. Listen and tick (√) the places. (James kasabada yeni. Marry ona ihtiyaçlarını gidermek için nereye gitmesi gerektiğini söylüyor. Dinle yerlere (√) tik işareti koy.)

# park / shopping mall / city hall / art gallery / police station

# 7. Listen again and correct the mistakes (Tekrar dinle ve yanlışları düzelt.)

a) coffee shop – new park
b) never – sometimes
c) grocery store – shopping mall
d) concert saloon – city hall
e) always – sometimes
f) museum – art gallery
g) fire station – police station

# 8. Match the pictures and tell about ‘How often do you go there?’ and ‘Why do you go there?’. Then, make suggestions. (Resimleri karşılaştır ve “Ne kadar sıklıkla oraya gidiyorsun? ve “Oraya neden gidiyorsun?” hakkında konuş.)

1) a
2) d
3) f
4) c
5) b
6) e

# 9. Read about Sandy’s Saturday and complete the sentences with these phrases. (Sandy’nin Cumartesisini oku ve verilen ifadelerle cümleleri tamamla.)

1) buy some dairies for breakfast. 
2) buy a sports magazine and a newspaper.
3) watch a documentary about wild life. 
4) have fun at the amusement park. 
5) look for a present for mom’s birthday. 

# 10. Read the text again and answer the questions. (Yazıyı tekrar okuyun ve soruları cevaplayın.)

a) She went to the market to buy some dairies.
b) She went to the bookshop to buy a sports magazine and a newspaper.
c) She watched a documentary about wild life.
d) Yes, she did.
e) She had some time at the shopping centre to look for a present for mom’s birthday.
f) She bought a CD. or (She bought her mom’s favourite singer’s CD. )

# 11. Work in pairs. Ask your friend about his/her last Saturday. Take some notes about it and tell about it to your classmates. (Çift olarak çalışın. Arkadaşınıza onun geçen Cumartesisi hakkında soru sorun. Bazı notlar alın ve sınıf arkadaşlarınıza anlatın.)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 
 What did you do last saturday?
 I went to the coffee corner to drink turkish coffee.
 Who were with you?
 My classmate Can was with me.


# 12. Take some notes about one of your busy days last week and write a paragraph. (Geçen haftaki meşgul günlerinden biri hakkında bazı notlar al ve bir paragraf yaz.)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 

I was very busy last Sunday. In the morning, I went to Simit Sarayı to have a breakfast. Then, I went to the cinema to watch movie. It was a science fiction film and really awesome. Then, I met with my friends to drink cofee in coffee corner.

# 13. Look at the pictures and guess. Which dress does the customer like? (Resimlere bak ve tahmin et. Müşteri hangi elbiseyi beğenir?)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 

# 14. Listen and fill in the blanks. Use the words below. (Dinle ve boşlukları doldur. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri kullan.)

1) size
2) medium
3) much
4) sale
5) credit card
6) cash

# 15. Work in pairs. Student A is the shop assistant. Student B is the customer. Make a dialogue and act it out. (Çift olarak çalışın. A öğrencisi tezgahtar. B öğrencisi ise müşteri. Diyalog oluşturun ve canlandırın.)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 

# shop assistant : Welcome, how can i help you?
# customer : I want to buy tshirt. Do you discount?
# shop assistant : Yes, we can discount %50. What’s your size?
# customer : My size is medium.
# shop assistant : Will you pay with credit card or cash?
# customer : Credit card.

# 16. Listen about Carol’s weekdays and match the days with the activities she does. (Carol’un hafta günlerini dinle ve yaptığı aktivitelerle günleri karşılaştır.)

# Monday – a
# Tuesday – e
# Wednesday – c
# Thursday – b
# Friday – d

# 17. Listen again and answer the questions. (Tekrar dinleyin ve sorulara cevap verin.)

a) She has diving lessons at the school swimming pool.
b) She goes to the shopping mall with her mom and her sister.
c) No, she doesn’t. She takes her sister to the amusement park on Thursdays.
d) She visits her grandmother to help her with the housework.

# 18. Listen again and write about Carol’s routine. (Tekrar dinleyin ve Carol’un rutini hakkında yazın.)

# Öğrencinin Kendi Cevabı 
She has diving exercises on monday
She has take her sister to amusement park on thursday